1 May 2007

No Flash player on amd64 linux

The Adobe Flash player is only available in 32-bit binaries for Linux. Because the Flash player is proprietary, you can't fix this yourself. Although Adobe has released the Flex libraries under the MPL, that doesn't do us much good if we can't actually run anything. There's a petition circulating with over 10k signatures asking Adobe to flip a switch and fix this. No youtube on my living room TV unless I reinstall with a cramped 32-bit OS. Update: turns out you can install a 32-bit version of Firefox and the 32-bit flash player, or use ndispluginwrapper. Either way, it's a pain in the ass. Come on, Adobe, get with the program.


This is now available as flashplugin-nonfree in the universe repository on Ubuntu. It works, too. Thanks Adobe.


Jamie Hale said...

I think there's a chroot way to do it, but every link I can find to it looks way too complicated for my feeble brain.

I just gave in and installed 32-bit Ubuntu. I'm not doing anything fancy enough to warrant the extra pain.

I did get Beryl working though... :)

Unknown said...

Ah yes, but that looks grody, even worse than the other two options. In the end I went with dual-boot. Sigh...