31 Jan 2008

In bed

Ratings for Fox News have followed the GOP into the toilet, and it is with a double-dose of schadenfreude that I present a little gem that illustrates just how blatantly, ridiculously biased Faux News really is, and just how ineffective they have become.
Unfortunately, Fox is just the worst of a bad lot... NBC, owned by GE, is hardly more likely to be a reliably independent voice, and the other conglomerate-owned media are so entwined with conflicting business interests that they couldn't possibly be expected to attempt objectivity – even putting aside the basic conflict of interest coming from paid advertisements. If it is on television and has any consequence, it is certainly biased: journalistic ethics have become a hollow joke. And that goes for you too, PBS.

30 Jan 2008

U2 joins the middle-aged establishment

U2 sold out a long, long time ago. That's healthy, everybody sells out sometime (except maybe Gus Hall) – but there's selling out, and then there is wallowing in middle-aged greed and unabashed contempt for the people who ultimately give them their money, as does U2's manager in an official statement on behalf of the group. I've long since stopped paying to go to their shows, and the discs I bought in the last century sit at the back of the cabinet, tired and irrelevant; but ever humble, Bono believes that U2's music will "last 100 years":
"You know I'm still hungry," said the 45-year-old winner of 14 Grammy awards. "I still want a lot out of music."
a lot... of money. That explains the weird simultaneous push for copyright extension and debt relief: Bono wants the third world wealthy enough to keep him fat on royalties until the next ice age.

Terror montage

In honour of Rudy's flameout, I thought I'd bring back some images from his campaign to become terrorist-in-chief*. Hope you can still find punters for the speeches, o great mayor.
*^"person who terrorizes or frightens others." terrorist. Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1). Random House, Inc. (accessed: January 29, 2008).