12 Mar 2008

Rule of Law

Enforcing the consequences for breaking laws is necessary for respect for the law. The Bush administration went to telecoms and asked them to participate in an illegal program to spy on US citizens. Some of them declined; others acquiesced. AT&T turned over its network for spying. Today the Bush administration wants to shield these companies from the legal consequences of breaking the law on its behalf. This should not be allowed to happen: companies should not be rewarded for helping to break the law, they should be punished pour encourager les autres.

Many in Congress want to help Bush indemnify his fellow felons. They are bought and paid for by the telecom industry. Big surprise – they take your money, they let people spy on you, and then they use your money to buy politicians to make the spying retroactively legal. To sit back and allow the government to suborn the rule of law would be unwise. A political action committee has been set up to balance the scales and allow people to make contributions to counterbalance these political bribes: ActBlue holds Democratic politicians responsible for buckling on this issue (we can assume that Republicans are by and large completely corrupted at this point). It is not enough to vote; under our political system we must buy our justice to counteract corrupt corporate contributions. Don't sit back and wait for George Sorors to fix this: this is in our hands.

Given the tenor of the times post-9/11, Bush could easily have passed any bill to destroy civil rights and liberties: as a matter of fact, he did. But he didn't make wholesale spying on Americans, without legal oversight, legal and that sort of behaviour must not be allowed. Join the EFF and get involved in theses issues that effect us all. Contribute to ActBlue to help them hold the politicians to account.

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