I randomly picked up Adam Haslett's You are not a stranger here off the used bookshelf at Little Sister's. The National Book Award Finalist sticker caught my eye, and I said, "eh, why not?" After all, I liked the cover.
Th book contains nine short stories; several are written in a British idiom, and his writing reminds me favourably of an early David Leavitt. The first story Notes to my biographer really caught my attention, and the story Divination gave me a night's dreams. On the whole, a highly satisfying read, and an author that I'll be watching for more.
Also, today I stumbled upon Google Book Search – much like the library feature in BookMooch, or Library Thing, or Amazon's bookshelf, or Shelfari, or Déjà lu (which still isn't released). After missing the boat, I'm missing the train, the bus, the plane, and even the stagecoach and the jitney.
1 comment:
I'm really enjoying Haslett. Has he written anything lately do you know? Ain't Little Sisters grand!
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