30 Jun 2008

Amazon not sure if DRM exists

Audible.com, a subsidiary of Amazon, is "agnostic" on the topic of DRM (Digital Rights Management). I wrote them to ask them to follow through on their pledge to remove DRM if people complain, and this is the response I got:

Hello from Amazon.com.

Audible is DRM agnostic -- our primary goal is to offer a great customer experience. Audiobooks purchased on Audible.com can be played on over 600 AudibleReady devices, including Kindles, iPods and most other MP3 players, Tom Toms and other GPS devices, Sonos and other in-home systems, and all PCs and Macs. Unlike DRM-free MP3 music files designed for songs, audiobook files must deliver a unique multi-hour listening experience. Customers have recognized and appreciated Audible's unique listening experience since the company's inception in 1997. Audible is committed to maintaining and improving the features that drive this experience. [Paraphrase: Shut up.]

Audible recently announced that it is working to provide the option of DRM-free spoken word audio titles on Audible.com for content owners who prefer this method and are committed to working with Audible to maintain a great customer experience.[Paraphrase: We're thinking about it.]

Thanks for your interest in Amazon.com and Audible.


Customer Service
So, being agnostic, they presumably do not deny the existence of DRM, but they have no evidence it exists? Maybe they are just so tied up in the "customer experience" that they haven't thought about it. Well, if there's anything worse than annoying, dangerous and abusive DRM for the customer experience, I can't imagine what it might be.

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