3 Jun 2008

Halting State

Halting State by Charles Stross (North American book cover)I bitched all the way through the first half of Charlie Stross' Halting State about how bored I was, and how I really didn't get it. Although the setup was slow, once the men from ONCLE came in it took off and went someplace I really didn't expect.

I'm not much of a gamer, and there are few games I've gotten sucked into (Ultima XII and The Sims, that's about it), but the vision of a future with pervasive mobile gaming woven into real life rings very true, and sounds very compelling (I mean fun). Stross delivers with new ideas in a fun setting (Scotland after independence from the UK) with logical progressions of the current geopolitical environment. My only complaint is that his usual characters pop up with new skins and do their usual mating dance, but that's pretty minor and wouldn't catch your attention unless you'd recently read Singularity Sky. My final verdict is that I highly recommended this highly technical and groundbreaking book.

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