Although it is my sincere hope that things in the United States will change after the fall election, recent news is not encouraging. Although the Democratic leadership of the

House of Representatives had
as recently as March displayed the unprecedented existence of a spine while upholding the
rule of law and the
4th amendment rights of Americans, on Friday 20 June they gave AT&T and other lawbreaking telecommunication companies a
free pass for helping the executive branch to spy illegally on US citizens. They also opened the floodgates to domestic spying on a new and breathtaking level. They
sold us out to the telecom lobby: Nancy Pelosi got $13k (good to know our worth); Barack Obama "opposes" telecom immunity (but won't do anything to stop it); wholesale spying, that he thinks is
just dandy and we can trust him to use it responsibly once he's elected.
Although it would be hard to surpass
the evil of Cheney/Bush over the past eight years, the amount of power being concentrated in the executive branch is frighteningly corrupting, and it continues to expand. Mother Teresa would be tempted by that amount of power. I don't trust anyone to wield absolute power responsibly, and I'm not supposed to have to: that's why the US has a constitution, at least in theory. I guess that's really just a quaint historical document now, and we'll be at the mercy of whoever gets elected. That's
not the way it's
supposed to work, folks.
"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty." - John Adams [1772].
It's good to see you back... even if I don't totally agree with your post this time. (Becky would say I'm blinded by my love for "Oh-Ba-Maaaaahhh"!)
I agree with you on the danger of the unchecked executive branch. But it seems to me the only reasonable* way of countering it is a strong Democratic president.
After a few Supreme Court nominations, things can start to balance out.
*reasonable = no violent overthrow
I'm not being completely fair: I haven't taken a potshot at John McCain as well, although he and his party are of course absolutely to blame for this legislation (and the illegal behaviour that proceeded it). But since Sen. Obama portrays himself as a reformer he is held to a higher standard.
I totally agree about the supremes. John Paul Stevens is frighteningly old. I'm not changing my vote, but that doesn't mean I won't object to having my rights compromised for political expediency. Our constitutional rights were hard won, so throwing them away to attempt to gain appeal with diametrically opposed rural voters seems bitterly pointless.
This is funny. God Bless SF!
Oh, now that is truly rich.
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